
Sonic updates flagship JMS server

Sonic Software this week unveiled SonicMQ 5.0, which officials say improves the clustering support of the company's flagship Java Messaging Service (JMS) platform. The messaging middleware server employs a Dynamic Routing Architecture that is said to provide higher availability and scalability, while allowing deployment and monitoring from a central location within an enterprise.

Highly distributed topologies are among the first places that the latest SonicMQ version is expected to appear.

''If you are going to deploy many clusters in different locations, then your scalability and availability become key attributes,'' said Steve Trythall, director of product management at Sonic, a unit of Progress Software. Trythall said Sonic has enhanced the availability of its server by ensuring, should any broker in a cluster go down, that clients can ''come back and load balance to somewhere else, and the clusters can continue on with their messaging.''

SonicMQ 5.0 natively supports Web standards, JMS and, in turn, J2EE. The development edition of the software is priced at $2,500 per CPU, while the deployment edition is priced starting at $5,000 per CPU.

For more on JMS, please read ''JMS taking a place in the enterprise'' by John K. Waters at

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