
Borland readies Sidewinder

[February 18, 2003] - Venerable toolmaker Borland was on hand in the VSLive! exhibitor hall last week with the first public showing of its Project Sidewinder IDE for the .NET Framework. It's not ready for prime time just yet, but when it is, the new developer tool suite will compete with Microsoft's VS .NET.

Sidewinder (the product's code name) is a C#-based IDE for building applications on the .NET Framework, including ASP.NET, ADO.NET and WinForms, according to Borland's VP of developer relations and chief evangelist David Intersimone (better known simply as ''David I''). Although the first generation of the product supports just the one language, noted Intersimone, Borland plans to support other languages with the product in future versions.

''An awful lot of developers are using [Borland's] JBuilder,'' Intersimone said. ''More and more of them were telling us that they were working with C#, which is the [preferred] .NET language. It's only natural that they would want to work with a familiar tool.''

Sidewinder will provide tight integration with other Borland products, Intersimone said, including its CaliberRM requirements management product, its StarTeam configuration management tool, and its Together application life-cycle management application.

The Scotts Valley, Calif.-based company also launched its new performance test tool, Optimizeit Profiler for the Microsoft .NET Framework, at this year's show. Designed to help developers gauge performance issues in real-time and facilitate application development, Optimizeit Profiler supports all .NET-managed code, according to Borland spokesperson Anders Ohlsson.

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About the Author

John K. Waters is a freelance writer based in Silicon Valley. He can be reached at [email protected].

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