
Data mining profile: Informatica

Company comments

Comments of Michael Smith, group director of marketing, applications

On trends:

Real-time is naturally a relative thing, but feeds that may be described as real-time are becoming part of data mining. "We can source real-time data of Tibco, WebMethods or IBM MQ systems. And we can follow that up with real-time alerting. It's incredibly important to combine static information with real-time information."

"We support data mining applications as part of the overall suite. Our view is to integrate data mining within the overall analytic application."

"Typically, people have to pull data from their mainframe, put it in a workbox area, and then they have to set up the algorithms to run against that data set. There's a lot of work that has to happen before you can even use it."

"A few years ago, data mining was 'five guys in the corner with a Ph.D in their title.' Now we are trying for a simpler, dashboard model when we talk about analytics."

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