Note From The Editor

Welcome to our annual Training & Mentoring issue. As with our special book issue, it is quite a task for the editors of the Journal of Object-Oriented Programming to assemble the long list of training and mentoring organizations presented herein. Our apologies are offered to any organization or individual omitted from the list.

Although this is not a scientific survey, I believe the number of active training and mentoring organizations seems to have decreased. This makes sense to me, given the huge downturn in the economy and the increased number of software professionals who have received previous training. My contacts in the training field confirm that business is down. It is also clear to me from scanning the titles of recent technical conferences that the nature of training and mentoring has shifted from education to vocation. At past conferences, there was room for several courses that dealt with the fundamental issues associated with OO software construction. More recently, these courses have given way to classes that (for example) deal with the latest and hottest Java API. This can be partly explained by the current economic realities that require a shorter interval between training and being able to effectively utilize the skills presented. In the long run, the shift away from fundamental principles may hurt the industry. A properly educated professional who has mastered basic principles is able to continue to track changes without the need for further training. Indeed, the difference between an educated professional and a trained professional is manifested in their ability to continue to learn.

Bertrand Meyer has contributed another gem to his Eiffel column, this one entitled "Overloading vs. Object Technology." As has been his hallmark over the years, Bertrand's significant and seminal contributions to our field have been based on his ability and willingness to present simple truths in a clear and compelling manner.

I hope you enjoy reading this latest issue of the Journal of Object-Oriented Programming.

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