GUI tracking example.

Tracking Software Components
by Jerry Gao, Ph.D., Eugene Y. Zhu, and Simon Shim, Ph.D.
Listing 5. GUI tracking example.

import beantracker.tracker.*;
....        // other import package

public class loginWin extends Frame {
    public TextField  txtLogin = new TextField(12);
    public JpasswordField txt Pwd = JpasswordField(12);
public loginWin (EventListener parent, IBeanTracker tracker)
 { super("Login");
            WindowListener wlis = (WindowListener)tracker.genGUIListener();
            ActionListener alis = (ActionListener)tracker.genGUIListener();
            TextListener tlis = (TextListener)tracker.genGUIListener();
         Button cmdOK = new Button ("Login");
         Button cmdCancel = new Button ("Cancel");
            .....// GUI layout code
            // set size and location
         addWindowListener(WindowListener) parent);

About the Authors

Jerry Gao, Ph.D. is a full-time faculty member in the Department of Computer Engineering at San Jose University and can be reached at [email protected].

Eugene Zhu works at SCSL USA Inc. and may be reached at [email protected].

Simon Shim, Ph.D. is a full-time faculty member in the Department of Computer Engineering at San Jose University and may be reached at [email protected].

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