Iteration over a sorted binary tree using recursive descent in an enumeration method.

Patterns in Java
A tale of three patterns
by Kevlin Henney
Listing 1. Iteration over a sorted binary tree using recursive descent in an enumeration method.

public interface KeyValueTask
    void apply(String key, String value);

public class SortedBinaryTree
    public synchronized void forEachDo(KeyValueTask toDo)
        forEachDo(toDo, root);
    private void forEachDo(KeyValueTask toDo, Node node)
        if(node != null)
            forEachDo(toDo, node.left);
            toDo.apply(node.key, node.value);
            forEachDo(toDo, node.right);

tree.forEachDo(new KeyValueTask() {
    public void apply(String key, String value)
        { System.out.println(key + " -> " + value); }

About the Author

Kevlin Henney is a Principal Technologist with QA Training in the UK.

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