DHTML-assisted printing

JavaScript that's fit to print
by Steven Disbrow
Listing 1. DHTML-assisted printing.

<title>DHTML-Assisted Printing</title>
<script language="javascript">
// This function hides our controls
// and prints the page
function doPrint() {
    // extract control contents
    // BEFORE you hide the controls!
    var lifeStory = document.f.muchText.value;
    // hide the controls
    var promptStrEl = document.getElementById( "promptStr");
    promptStrEl.style.display = "none";
    var muchTextCtl = document.getElementById( "muchText");
    muchTextCtl.style.display = "none";
    var printButtonCtl = document.getElementById( "printButton");
    printButtonCtl.style.display = "none";
    // display control contents
    var printTitleEl = document.getElementById( "printTitle");
    printTitleEl.style.display = "inline";
    var lifeStoryEl = document.getElementById( "lifeStory");
    lifeStoryEl.style.display = "inline";
    lifeStoryEl.innerHTML = lifeStory;
    // Tell the user how to get everything back
    alert("When printing is complete, click the mouse on the text to return to edit mode.");
    // print the page

// This function shows our controls
// again after printing
function doEndPrint() {
    // hide the content displays
    var printTitleEl = document.getElementById( "printTitle");
    printTitleEl.style.display = "none";
    var lifeStoryEl = document.getElementById( "lifeStory");
    lifeStoryEl.style.display = "none";
    // redisplay the controls
    var promptStrEl = document.getElementById( "promptStr");
    promptStrEl.style.display = "inline";
    var muchTextCtl = document.getElementById( "muchText");
    muchTextCtl.style.display = "inline";
    var printButtonCtl = document.getElementById( "printButton");
    printButtonCtl.style.display = "inline";
<body bgcolor="white">
<form name="f">
<span id="promptStr">
Please enter your life's story here:<br/>
<textarea name='muchText' id='muchText' rows='20' cols='70'>
<input id='printButton' type='button' value='Print This Page' onclick='doPrint()'/>
<span onmousedown="doEndPrint()">
<span id="printTitle" style="font-weight:bold;display:none">
This is my life's story:<hr/>
<span id="lifeStory" style="display:none">

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