ejbCreate method of a containing entity bean (LineItem).

Architect's Corner
Entity bean relationships in EJB 1.1
Part 1: The basic technique

Grant Holland
Listing 2. ejbCreate method of a containing entity bean (LineItem).

    public LineItemPK ejbCreate(
			int         	lineItemID,
			int         	orderID,
			int         	quantity,
			Product     	product 	)
		throws CreateException,RemoteException

    LineItemPK pk;

	// capture all 3 field types
	this.lineItemID = lineItemID; // persistent data
	this.orderID = orderID;       // persistent data
	this.quantity = quantity;     // persistent data
	this.product = product;       // related EJB object
	this.productName =            // related key

	// persist persistent data
	< write “lineItemID”       to persistent store >
	< write “orderID”          to persistent store >
	< write “quantity”         to persistent store >

	// persist related key
	< write “productName”   to persistent store >

	// create and initialize Primary Key object
	LineItemPK pk = new LineItemPK();    // make PK
	pk.lineItemID = lineItemID;          // capture identity field
	pk. orderID = orderID;               // capture identity field
    catch(Exception e)
	throw new CreateException(e.getMessage());
    return pk;

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