Submission Guidelines


Publisher: 101communications, LLC, 600 Worcester Road, Suite 301, Framingham, MA 01702, 508.875.6644

These guidelines should be read in full prior to article submission. Articles may not have been previously published.

To serve you in a more efficient and timely manner, we have changed our production process. Please adhere to the following guidelines when you submit your article or column.

Java Report provides software engineers, managers, programmers, educators, multimedia designers, network specialists, security experts, and staffing specialists with the informational tools necessary to excel in the rapidly changing world of Java. Special emphasis is on "real world" solutions and case studies as opposed to academic analyses. Java Report will serves the entire Java community, including, but not limited to:

  • Performance
  • Testing
  • OO and distributed OO development techniques employing Java
  • Java language specifics and tutorials
  • Case studies of the successful use of Java
  • Java in the field of education
  • Security issues
  • Multimedia development using Java
  • Tutorials for "newcomers" to object technology and Java
  • GUI design with Java
  • Java virtual machine (JVM) specifics
  • Internet and Intranet development techniques

    Authors should incorporate a spirit of individual empowerment and the movement toward a thorough understanding of object technology and Java programming across disciplines and throughout the enterprise.


    Software engineers and OO programmers will have a forum alongside educators, multimedia designers, professionals eager to learn and employ object technology, marketing specialists, network and security specialists, information specialists, and managers of various areas.


    A Java community in which object technology is truly pervasive and such technology is applied to empower individuals, teams, and the enterprise as a whole. Java Report supports this community through mentoring and information sharing.


    To provide the Java community with the most recent and most useful information pertaining to Java development. Java Report attempts to break down the barriers imposed by technology assimilation and to allow everyone effected by technology (from software engineers to end-users) to benefit from, study, and employ the object-oriented paradigm. Java Report facilitates the achievement of a technology industry in which every user has an understanding of object technology and programming, and can employ (via Java) that understanding as necessary to augment individual empowerment.

    1. Facilitate excellence in Java development.
    2. Allow users of all backgrounds and all levels of technical savvy to participate in the Java movement.
    3. Facilitate the infusion and teaching of object technology and Java programming across disciplines in the undergraduate curriculum.
    4. Provide information about how Java and the universal desktop are changing the work environment and human resource needs.
    Feature Articles: 3 to 4 per issue
    Columns: 3 to 4 per issue
    Product reviews and summaries
    Case Studies

    4C magazine. Frequency: 12 times/year.

    Java Report accepts submissions in the following classifications:

    COLUMNS: (2–3 typeset pages; approximately 1,500 to 2,000 words)

    1. The intention of the column is to provide an ongoing discussion of a topic area.
    2. If you are a new columnist, please submit a color photo of yourself (at least 300 dpi, 3 inches wide, and in .jpeg or .tiff format). We also need the following information: your mailing and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers, social security number (to pay you), and a very brief bio (please include your title, the company you work for, and the company location.)

    FEATURES: (3–5 typeset pages, about 2,000-3,000 words)

    1. All submitted articles must satisfy some genuine need in the Java community with respect to Java and/or OO development using Java, be highly informative and lucid, and be appropriate to at least one subject of Java Report's audience.
    2. We also need the following information: your mailing and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers, social security number (to pay you), and a very brief bio (please include your title, the company you work for, and the company location.)

    SERIES (3–5 pages, 2,000–3,000 words in length, 2 or more installments)
    A series is a collection of articles offering the author an opportunity to address a topic in great depth. The series may run for two or more installments. Series should be clearly partitioned into subtopics.

    Reviews of software products and their efficacy. A review should describe the purpose, content, and intended audience of the item and make critical comments on its accuracy and success in fulfilling its purpose. If appropriate, the author should comment on the suitability of the item for educational purposes.

    If you receive a letter from a reader and would like us to print it, please send it to us, along with the reader's e-mail address. When space is available, we will try to run it.


    1. We prefer the use of the Arial text font in your figures.
    2. Please label figures in your article carefully and provide a brief caption. For example: Figure 1. An application with determinism.
    3. Please make sure that screenshots are at least 300 dpi, 3 inches wide, and in .jpeg or .tiff format.

    Submissions should be sent directly to the Editor-in-Chief, Dwight Deugo ([email protected]) or to our editorial office ([email protected]) via email. If electronic submissions are not an option, mail disk to Dwight Deugo, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIS 5B6.
    Contributions exceeding word count limits will be returned to authors for cuts. All articles are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and selected members of the Java community. Notification of acceptance and assignment to an issue will shortly follow the review process. All submissions are final; material will not be returned. Your manuscript should not be submitted to any other publications during the review period, and its publication in different magazines and journals is not permitted.

    Authors are required to assign copyright to 101communications LLC. Copyright forms will be sent on notification of acceptance. Failure to return a signed copyright form may result in nonpublication of the article.


    1. Submit your document as a Word document or ASCII text. Please do not send HTML documents.
    2. Do not embed images (figures, screenshots, etc.) into the document itself; send them separately.
    3. Do not use headers, footers, or page breaks.
    4. Do not put text into boxes or tables. If you want something in a box or table, please say so in brackets.
    5. Use a single space after periods and avoid using paragraph marks after each sentence.
    6. Clearly mark major and minor subheads, etc. if possible.
    7. Use tabs instead of spaces for formatting tables, lists, code, etc.
    8. Do not manually hyphenate; the page layout software will do this.
    9. Abstracts are not necessary to include with your document.
    10. Do not include your in-house editing marks or highlight text in other colors; even when these marks are deleted, they show up later on.
    11. Do not use hyperlinks and do not link references (ex., books) to your text.
    12. Please put references in the order in which they appear in the document. For example, please do not begin with reference #5 in the text (this should really be #1).
    13. Please put documents in one column, not two.
    14. Please put your name and the title of the feature/column at the beginning of your feature/column.
    15. Please indicate which words are code (we use a different font for code words) and please place code in a 3.5" wide column. You could put code words in 10-point Courier.
    16. If your code is more than 10 lines, please refer to them as Listing 1, etc. in the text. Such listings will be taken out of the text and placed into a box. Extensive code listings and appendices will be posted on Java Report's Web site to free up space.
    17. Please write a brief—no more than 10 words—caption for listings and figures. If one or more of the words are code words, please indicate this.
    18. Please provide a deck—no more than 10 words—if you want one. For example: "Reflecting on the Visitor Design Pattern" is the headline, while "A powerful way to operate on object structures" is the deck.
    19. Please provide URL addresses if you mention Web sites in your article.
    20. Please fax a hard copy of all materials (the document, figures, listings, etc.), so we can see what the final article should look like.
    21. When sending back proof changes, please e-mail your changes and either fax or send a PDF of where the change should go.

    Disks accepted: DOS 3.5" / Macintosh 3.5"

    Dwight Deugo; [email protected]

    Editorial Director
    Mike Bucken; [email protected]

    Executive Managing Editor
    Kim Hefner; [email protected]

    Online Managing Editor
    Dan Olawski; [email protected]

    Assistant Managing Editor
    Donna Sussman; [email protected]

    Art Director
    Jenny Looney; [email protected]

    Graphic Designer
    Scott Rovin; [email protected]

    Associate Editor
    Philip J. Gill; [email protected]

    Product Review Editor
    John K. Waters; [email protected]

    Current 2001 Columnist List

    Matt Brenner, Uncle Chicken Software
    LAB NOTES™; [email protected]

    John Crupi; Sun Microsystems
    ARCHITECT'S CORNER; [email protected]

    Steven W. Disbrow, EGO Systems
    JAVASCRIPTING; [email protected]

    Vincent J. Hardy, Sun Microsystems
    2D GRAPHICS; [email protected]

    Kevlin Henney, Independent Consultant
    PATTERNS IN JAVA; [email protected]

    Ethan Henry, Sitraka Software
    JAVA IN PRACTICE; [email protected]

    David Jordan, Trifolium
    OBJECTS IN THE DATABASE; [email protected]

    Lowell Kaplan, Random Walk Computing
    JAVA MEANS BUSINESS; [email protected]

    Scott Oaks, Sun Microsystems
    SCOTT'S SOLUTIONS; [email protected]

    Tig Tillinghast, Independent Consultant
    MADISON AVENUE JAVA; [email protected]

    John Vlissides, IBM
    PATTERN HATCHING; [email protected]

    Kumanan Yogaratnam, Espial
    EMBEDDED JAVA; [email protected]
    Updated 2/15/01

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