Author Index

Java Report
Cumulative Author Index

This index is arranged alphabetically by author. Column titles are noted in italics. Multiple entries under the same heading are arranged chronologically.
Items not indexed include letters, Java Buzz, product announcements, product news, literature summaries, and abstracts about Java Report from other periodicals.
The editors would like to acknowledge the work of the editorial interns and assistants for their efforts in compiling this index. To order back issues, contact [email protected].




Ackerley, John, Alex Koutsoumbos, Murtuza Hashim, and Angelo Maffione "Java Server Pages and Servlet Design," 4(12) Dec. 1999, 24–30.

Adler, David "Using RMI and JDBC From Visual Basic," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 27.

Albelli, Gary, Eric Lazarus, and Steve Wirts "Evaluating Integrated Development Environments," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 33–44.

Albert, Bill Book Review
"Essentials of a Robust Project—Java Certification for Programmers and Developers," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 75–78.

Allin, Jonathan "Chaos and BigDecimals," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 39–48.

Alpert, Sherman R. "Primitive Types Considered Harmful," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 49.

Altherr, Marcel, Martin Erzberger, and Silvano Mattheis "SoftWired iBus-Middleware for the Java Platform," 4(12) Dec. 1999, pp. 54–62.

Amsterdam, Jonathan Java To Go!
"Don't Stifle Exceptions," 5(5) May 2000, 16.
"Catch Exceptions When You Know How to Handle Them," 5(6) June 2000, 152.
"Use Object Pools to Sidestep Garbage," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 120, 119.
"Close Every File You Open," 5(10) Oct. 2000. 24, 29.

Añez, Juancarlo Product Reviews
"Java XML Parsers," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 17–26.
"Analyze Your Code With Compuware's NuMega DevPartner for Java," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 12–17.
"Achieving Synergy, ObjectSpace's Voyager ORB 3.0," 4(12) Dec. 1999, pp. 14–22.



Babbrah, Bobby "Symbiosis of Java and the Lotus Notes Domino Server," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 47–54.

Bäcker, Andreas
"JCommands: A Flexible Undo Framework for Java," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 60–68.

Ball, Steve "Uncovering Java's Hidden Pointers," 3(2) Jan. 1998, 61–70, 79.

Ball, Steve Effective Java
"Effective cloning," 5(1) Jan. 2000, 60–67.
"Solutions for implementing dependable clone methods," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 68–72, 82.
"Exception handling in large systems," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 90–94.
"Enhancing container classes with deep-copy semantics," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 86–96.
"Supercharged Strings," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 62–69.

Ball, Steve and John Miller Crawford Effective Java
"Multi-threaded assignment surprises," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 66–70.
"Rescuing instanceof from abuse," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 60–65, 84.
"Helping objects to a tidy end," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 79.

Banderpalle, Radha and Raj Ratnakar "Distributed Business Applications Using Java: Increasing Customer Access," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 46–50, 64.

Barrett, Terry Book Reviews
"Web Site Programming With Java," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 25–26.
"Java in a Nutshell," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 20–22.

Bedard, Shawn "JavaPush: Performance is the Main Benefit," 5(4) Jul. 2000, 54–64.

Bell, Donald, Sérgio Henrique Monteiro Da Silva, and John Shelton
"A Pattern for Building Powerful JSPs," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 30–34, 96.

Berry, Jon "Getting Ahead by Getting in Touch," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 10.

Bhatia, Sameer "Pattern for Developing a Finite State Machine," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 82–88, 102.

Binko, C. William "CORBA–IDL-Java Mapping," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 33–42.

Bollinger, Gary and Bharathi Natarajan "Internationalize Your Web Site," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 32–42.

Boone, Barry "C++ vs. Java Software Development," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 39–48.
"Java Certification," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 53–58.
"Multitasking in Java: Weaving Threads for the Web," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 26–33.

Bosch, Peter "Effective Multithreading," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 31–38.
"Thread Separation," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 37–46.

Bowman, Charles F. Business Objects in Java
"The importance of business objects," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 74–75.
"Business objects and components," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 68–71.
Book Review
"Java Security: Hostile Applets, Holes, and Antidotes," 2(5) May 1997, 29–30.

Boydston, David H. "Serial Port Control From Java," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 53–60.

Bragg, Tom Product Review
"Parasoft's CodeWizard for Java," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 12–17.

Brookshier, David "Java Success Story—Quiz Studio Embodies the Latest JDK, JFC Components, and Java Plug-in," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 16.

Brown, Kyle and Gary Craig "Using Java Server Pages—Servlets Made Simple," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 41–50.

Brown, Kyle, Gary Craig, Greg Hester, and Peter Jakab "Using Server-Side Java Successfully," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 51–60.

Brown, Kyle, Rachel Reinitz, and Skyler Thomas "Large-Scale Servlet Programming," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 36–44.

Brugge, John Product Review
"Visual Café 1.0," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 25–28.

Burnett, Steve "Using the JavaSoft Security Package," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 39–44, 54.
"Using the Java Cryptographic Extensions," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 45–58.



Carlson, Brent "Design Patterns for Business Frameworks and Applications," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 34–46.

Castagnaro, Russell Java to Go
"Working Together: Java, AS400, and Lotus Domino," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 81–82.

Celestino, R. J. "Crafting GUIs Using Netscape's IFC," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 39–44, 52.
Visual Java
"The Java Media Framework: Multimedia Pizzazz," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 47, 48, 50, 52, 54–56, 58.

Cerwin, John A. "Using the Mediator Design Pattern to Perform Multiplexing," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 35–44.
"Enterprise Applets and Archive Functionality," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 55–64.

Chaffee, Alexander Day "Enhancing the Web: The Coolest Applets," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 24–26.

Chan, Jeremy "Distributed Object Graph Traversal, Preparation, and Transport," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 66–74.

Cherlin, Edward "How to Make Java More Reliable," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 41–46.

Cohen, L. J. Product Review
"A Small-Device Power Tool: CodeWarrior PersonalJava Platform Edition 1.0," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 16–19.

Cooley, Paul. E "Creating Style Sheets for Java GUIs," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 18–26.

Cowlishaw, Mike "NetRexx—Easier Java Programming," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 45–48.

Cozad, Joseph "Implementing Design Patterns in Java: The Strategy Pattern," 3(5) May 1998, 23–28.

Crawford, John Miller Effective Java
"Native territory," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 65–71.
"Interfaces—the outside story," 4(7) July 1999, 58–66.

Crawford II, Ronald "Behind the Scenes of the Java 1.1 Virtual Machine," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 23.

Crupi, John Architect's Corner
"XML—the enterprise infrastructure glue?" 5(5) May 2000, 88–92.

Crupi, John Java Architecture
"Designs that capitalize on the latest Java™ technologies," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 72, 69–70.



D'Souza, Desmond "Design and Modeling Opportunities in Java," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 50–51, 54–56.

Dáhlen, Torbjörn Architect's Corner
"Implementing business logic in an Enterprise JavaBeans architecture," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 88.

Darby, Chad "Optimizing Database Transactions With JDBC," 3(5) May 1998, 45–56.

Davis, Mark Durable APIs
"Liberté, egalité, fraternité" Jan. 2000, 46–50.
"Hashing and cloning," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 60–66, 85.
"Designing durable APIs in Java," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 74–77.
"Immutables," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 70–77.
"Abstraction," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 80–89.
"Serialization," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 65–75, 84.

Davis, Mark, Doug Felt, and John Raley "International Text in JDK 1.2," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 25–38.

Davis, Mark and Helena Shih "The Java International API: Beyond JDK 1.1," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 27–36.

Deadman, Richard "Pluggability Patterns," 5(5) May 2000, 52–61.
"The Client is Dead ... Long Live the Client!" 5(10) Oct. 2000, 46–58.
"XML as a Distributed Application Protocol: The Technology and the Politics," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 16–21.
"When in Rome: A Guide to the Java Paradigm," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 41–52, 70.
Product Review
"TOPlink/J: A Step Beyond Object to Data Mapping," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 87–90.

DeRusso, Joe and Peter Haggar "Multi-Threaded Exception Handling in Java," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 13–26.

DeSilva, Dilshan and Susan Pearson "A Wireless Effort: Developing Java Applications for Embedded Devices," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 42–52, 58.

Deugo, Dwight Editor's Note
"Refactoring and Optimization," 5(1) Jan. 2000, 6.
"It's Free!" 5(2) Feb. 2000, 6.
"Patterns," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 6.
"The right to choose," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 6.
"Simple Intelligence," 5(5) May 2000, 6.
"The Language That Can," 5(6) June 2000, 8.
"C Family of Languages," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 6.
"Java Goes Mainstream," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 6.
"Java Gets Smaller," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 6.
"Yes I Know, But!" 5(10) Oct. 2000, 6.
"Abstraction Wins—Always!" 5(11) Nov. 2000, 6.
"What Goes Around Comes Around," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 6.
"The right to choose," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 4.
"Looking for JDK 1.2?" 4(2) Feb. 1999, 6–8.
"The cost of Java," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 6, 22.
"Will the increase ever stop?" 4(4) Apr. 1999, 6.
"'Ready-to-apply' expertise," 4(5) May 1999, 8.
"JavaOne," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 8.
"Moving Java to where it's needed," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 6.
"The revolution," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 6.
"Ideas," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 6.
"So, What's XML?," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 6.
"Taking care of business," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 6.
"The best things in life are free," 4(12) Dec. 1999, pp. 6.
"Software Engineering," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 4.
"Patterns," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 4.
"What CORBA Means for Java," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 4.
"Java, 'Show Me the Money!'," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 4.
"Improving Performance," 3(5) May 1998, 4.
"Client/Server," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 4.
"Succeeding With Java," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 4.
"Write Less Code," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 4.
"It's About Time!" 3(9) Sept. 1998, 4.
"A Matter of Choice," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 4.
"The Party," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 4.
"Getting an Education," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 4.
"Building Applications," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 4.
"Migrating to Java," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 4.
"Distributed Computing," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 4.
"Standards," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 4.
Coffee Talk
"From S390 Mainframes to Smart Cards," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 25–29.

Deugo, Dwight and Allen Benson "Patterns: Object-Oriented Wisdom," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 46–49.
"Singleton," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 76–79.
"The advantages of using the Proxy pattern," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 60–64.
"Representing objects in relational databases," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 68–72.
"Avoiding case statements," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 58–65.

Dickey, Ken "Getting the Numbers Right, A Cautionary Tale," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 45–52.

Disbrow, Steven JavaScripting
"Building a JavaScript object browser," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 64–66.
"Taking advantage of the elements array," 5(6) June 2000, 132–133, 145.
"Window to window communication," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 111–112.
"C is for cookie!" 5(12) Dec. 2000, 96, 95.
"Client-Side processing?" 4(2) Feb. 1999, 70–73.
"Your own private Idaho()," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 66–69.
"Linking JavaScript objects with HTML controls," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 48–54.
"Enhancing HTML controls with JavaScript objects," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 58–60.
"Building better email with JavaScript," 4(12) Dec. 1999, pp. 70–72, 82.
"The timing problem: A solution for complex Web sites," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 68–69, 77.
"Using eval to generate and execute JavaScript," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 76–78.
"Fixing the Netscape floating point display bug," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 68–70.
"More dynamic JavaScript," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 73–76.
"Exercising you s," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 66, 68–70, 84.
"Tapping the power of JavaScript," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 33–40.
"Kissin' cousins: Communicating between Java and JavaScript," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 59–70.

Domajnko, Tomaz, Matjaz B. Juric, Bostjan Brumen, and Ivan Rozman "How to Store Java Objects?" 4(4) Apr. 1999, 33–46.

Douglas, Patricia J. "Certification for Java Developers," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 35–44.

Downing, Troy "MediaTracker: Synchronizing Image Loading," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 34–38.
"The java.awt.Graphics Class—The Sound of Java," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 42–51, 54–57.



Eastham, Daniel "Event Adapters in Java Beans," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 33–38.

Epstein, Arny and John Archer "Using EJB in Real-World Applications," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 54–62.

Ergül, Salih "RMI Over IIOP," 5(6) June 2000, 92–100.

Eskow, Dennis "GeoSystems Puts Java on the Map," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 17–19.
"Java Jolts IBM Into Action," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 14–16.
"Object/Java Expo Report," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 24–25.
"Oracle Speaks," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 12, 14.

Ethington, Russ "Distributed Object Computing With Voyager," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 37–48.

Evans, Huw "Using Java Object Serialization: A Few Pitfalls," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 60–72.



Farley, Steven R. "Mobile Agent System Architecture," 2(5) May 1997, 39–44.

Feigenbaum, Barry "Java Class Builder," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 71–81.

Fingerman, Adam Product Review
"InstallAnywhere: The Missing Link to Java's 'Write Once, Run Anywhere' Promise," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 71–73.

Fisco, Dave Coffee Talk
"Taking the Java and JDBC Offensive on the Groupware and Electronic Commerce Markets," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 17–26.
"Java: The Second Hammer," Mar./Apr. 1996, 6.
"I Don't Know Why You Say Good-Bye, I Say Hello," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 13–17.
"Three Cheers: A Reason to Celebrate," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 4.
"The First JavaOne," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 4.
"Spreading The Word Java: Interview With Miko Matsumura," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 14–18.
"Bill's Behemoth Bows," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 4.
"Apple Takes Java to the Core: Interview With Larry Tesler," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 10, 12.
"JRex," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 4.
"ObjectShare and ParcPlace—Taking the Lead in the Java Components Marketplace," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 16–25.
"Exploring 1.1," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 6.

Fisher, Mark "JavaHelp for the Technical Writer," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 47–54.
"JavaHelp for the Java Programmer," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 21–32.

Fitzgerald, Patrick JavaScript Tutor
"Becoming a JavaScript author," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 55–56.
Product Reviews
"Roaster—Natural Intelligence's Mac Environment for Java," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 22–23.
"Java CodeWarrior—Metrowerks' Acclaimed Product Now Supports Java Development," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 17–18.
"Café-Symantec's Feature-Rich Java IDE for Macintosh," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 23–24.

Flowers, Frank Product Review
"A Powerful Tool, But Limited, BulletProof's JDesignerPro 3.5," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 12–17.

Flowers, Frank Special Feature
"JSPs: A Child Prodigy?" 5(6) June 2000, 25–32.

Flynn, Jim "Microsoft's Authenticode," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 47–50.
Product Review
"Microsoft's Visual J++—Microsoft's IDE for Java Gives Windows Programmers a Quick Path to Java," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 26–29, 31.

Foody, Michael "Distributed Java Applications: Comparing RMI, CORBA, and Network Ease for Applets," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 23–32.

Fowler, Martin "Analysis Patterns," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 15–24.

Frankel, David S. Business Objects
"UML profiles and model-centric architecture," 5(6) June 2000, 110–118.
"The OMG Meta-Object Facility," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 56–62, 71.
"The UML Meta-Model," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 90–102.
"CORBA components-alive and well," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 70–77.
"Technology-independent business objects: The concept of a meta-model," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 71.

Frascadore, Greg "Java Application Server Security Using Capabilities," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 31–42.

Freedman, Gordie "The Right Tools for the Job—Common Performance Issues & Solutions," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 29–34.

Freeman, Adam and Darrel Ince "The Library," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 34–41, 63.

Freemon, Mike "Improve the Performance of CICS RPCs With CORBA," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 51–56.

Fregly, Christopher A. "Techniques for Optimizing Web Site Development and Runtime Characteristics," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 44–56, 98.
"Flexible Strategies for Optimizing Application Performance," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 48–58.



Gamma, Erich "Applying Design Patterns in Java," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 47–53.

Gamma, Erich and Kent Beck "JUnit: A Cook's Tour," 4(5) May 1999, 27–38.
"Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 37–50.

Geary, David Graphic Java
"Data-driven graphical user interfaces," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 58–62.
"The evolution of Java Server Pages," 5(6) Jun. 2000, 120–125, 145.
"Create XML files using JSP," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 86–91.
"Apache Struts: a Web application framework," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 90–97.
Feature: "Embedding Images Directly in a Class," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 32–36.
"JFC's Swing: The JComponent Class," (Part 2), 3(1) Jan. 1998, 34–40.
"Swing and multithreading," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 66.
"Model/View/Controller," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 31–37.
"Microsoft's Authenticode," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 47–50.
"Answering frequently asked AWT questions," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 26–38.
"The 1.1 event handling model," (Part 1), 2(3) Mar. 1997, 58–65.
"The 1.1 event handling model," (Part 2), 2(5) May 1997, 66–72.
"1.1 AWT makes strides," Sept. 2(8) 1997, 20–24, 78.
"JFC's Swing: Model/View/Controller," (Part 1), 2(10) Nov. 1997, 28–38, 80.

Gill, Philip J. Real World Java
"E-commerce in Internet Time," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 18–20.
"Java Without Programmers," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 16–18, 76.
"Predicting the Weather With a Scalable Java Application Server," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 12–16.
"Writing a POS System From Scratch," 5(5) May 2000, 18–20.
"A Prescription for Health," 5(6) June 2000, 14–16.
"An Unlikely Duo," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 18–20.
"Open Source All The Way," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 28–30, 98.
"Trading With Java," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 22–24.
"Java Makes a Splash in Real-Time," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 20–22.
"Java Keeps Time on the Go," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 20–22.
"The House That Java Built," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 26–28, 59.
"Arch Gets a Dose of Reality," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 18–22, 66.
"Online Mortgage Company Invests in Java, CORBA Combination," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 18–22.
"Java Perks Up E-Commerce Site," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 18–20.
"Trading in Real Time With Java, Instinet" 4(10) Oct. 1999, 12–14.
"A Three-Tier Model for Cash Management Systems," Oct. 1998, 16–18.
Corporate Profiles
"Java Middleware With a Twist—Open Horizon Hopes to Bring Unique Security, Ease-of-Use, and Scalability to Java Middleware," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 20–24.
"Tendril Unites Java Design and Coding—Company's StructureBuilder Tool Provides All-in-One Visual Object Modeling, Design, and Coding of Java Apps," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 20–22.
"Vitria Aims at More Than Middleware: Trio of All-Java Products Targets Business-Process Automation Through Enterprise Application Integration," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 14–16.
"Two for Server-Side Java; Athena Design, Live Software See Their Opportunities in Java on the Server," 3(5) May 1998, 14–16.
"Database Update: Vendors Percolate Stronger Java Brews—Oracle, Informix, and Sybase Broaden Java Support," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 16–18, 44.
"WebLogic Gets Out in Front," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 14–18.
"The Java Revolution: Year Two," 2(5) May 1997, 14–15, 78.
Case Study
"Java in the Financial Services Industry—E*Trade and Bulletproof Make Java Investments", 2(4) Apr. 1997, 14–16.
"Java Key to Borland Resurgence?" 2(5) May 1997, 18–22.
"HP Coming on Strong in Java," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 16–19.
"Corel Aims at Microsoft," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 23–28.
"Active 'Productizes' Integration With Java," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 12–15, 72.
"Intersolv Sets Sights on Java Middleware," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 20–24.
"GemStone Bets on Mid-Tier Java," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 25–27.
"Sanga Seeks Enterprise Beachhead," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 16–19.

Grant, Jo "Automated Java Testing—Techniques and Testing for a New Language," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 41–46, 54.



Haggar, Peter "Effective Exception Handling in Java," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 55–65, 77.

Hardy, Vincent 2D Graphics
"Understanding the Java™ 2D API: Paints," 5(1) Jan. 2000, 52–58, 70.
"Understanding the Java™ 2D API: Strokes," 5(5) May 2000, 78–84.
"Understanding the Java™ 2D API: Composite," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 96–102.
"Understanding the Java™ 2D API: Shapes," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 70–79.
"Understanding the Java™ 2D API: AffineTransforms," 4(5) May 1999, 68–76.
"How to use AffineTransforms to create animation effects," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 76–80.

Harmon, Trevor "Java Dates Made Simple," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 57–61.

Hartkopf, Jeff and Suchitra Gupta "Event Notifier, A Pattern for Event Notification," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 19–56.

Hay, Phillip "The Bumpy Road Using Java to Implement a User Interface," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 57–62.

Heller, Philip and Simon Roberts "Tips on Preparing for the Certification Exam," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 40–41.

Henney, Kevlin Patterns in Java
"Patterns of value," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 64–68.
"Value added," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 74–82.
"Matters of state," 5(6) June 2000, 126–130.
"Collections for States," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 92–98.
"A tale of two patterns," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 84–88.
"Something for nothing," 4(12) Dec. 1999, pp. 74–80.

Henry, Ethan Java In Practice
"The value of logging," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 82–84.

Hill, Laura Book Review
"Client/Server Programming With Java and CORBA," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 76–78.

Horstmann, Cay Product Review
"Café: Symantec's Development Environment for Java," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 18–21,60.

Houlding, David Enterprise Java "Reusing CORBA Web Services With JavaScript," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 52–68, 70.
"Delivering Web Services Using CORBA," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 17–28.
"Putting JavaBeans to the Test," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 23, 24, 26, 28.
Power Java
"Taming CORBA Dynamic Invocation with JavaBeans," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38.

Howard, Robert "StoreTable: A Java Class for Simple Object Persistence," 2(5) May 1997, 45–50.

Hu, Weizhen "Singleton Pattern: Handy But Be Careful!" 5(3) Mar. 2000, 28–32, 76.

Hunt, John "The Collection API," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 17–32.
"Constructing Modular User Interfaces in Java," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 25–32.

Huston, Vince "Rubber-Banding and Object-Oriented Design," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 82–86.



Jaeschke, Rex "The Road to a Standard," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 29–34.
"Java Goes International," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 67–71.

Jain, Anand Java To Go!
"Your Way to a Flicker-Free 3D Pie Chart," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 20–26.

Jepson, Brian "Database Connectivity: The Lure of Java," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 43–48.

Jewell, Tyler "An Architecture for Making Asynchronous EJB Calls Using JMS," 5(5) May 2000, 34–51.
"Greater Garbage Collector Access with Reference Objects," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 69–78.

Jolin, Art "Java's Atomic Assignment—The Key to Simpler Data Access Across Threads," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 27–36.

Jones, Steven "Error Handling with XML," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 22–32.

Jordan, David "An object database for embedded environments," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 54–58.
"Java in the Home: OSGi Residential Gateway," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 38–42, 104.

Jordan, David Conference Report
"Stimulating Java Persistence—A Report on the Second International Workshop on Persistence and Java," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 26–33.
"Serialization is not a database substitute," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 68–76, 79.
"Database trends," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 64–73.
Feature "The ODMG Java Interface: An Introduction," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 45–50.
"OQL: The ODMG object query language," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 74–81.
"The evolution of the ODMG Java collections," 3(5) May 1998, 58–63.
"The online database derby," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 60, 62–65.
"A higher degree of portability using ODMG," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 93.

Jordan, David Objects in the Database
"An overview of Sun's Java Data Objects specification," 5(6) June 2000, 102–108, 144.

Jovin, Diana "Developing Database—Driven Applications in Java," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 52–56.

Juch, Jay "Network Applets Behind HTTP Proxies," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 18–22.

Juric, Matjaz B. "Are Distributed Objects Fast Enough?" 3(5) May 1998, 29–38, 65.

Juric, Matjaz B. and Ivan Rozman "Java 2 RMI and IDL Comparison," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 36–48.



Kaplan, John "Developing International Applets," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 63–68, 72.

Kaplan, Lowell Java Means Business
"More programming with generic interfaces," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 70–74.
"Models for software reuse," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 100–102.
"Application servers: distributed development and deployment made easy," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 67–68, 79.
"Distributed computing in Java: RMI, CORBA, or both?," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 80, 78–79.
"Do JavaBeans mean business?" 3(2) Feb. 1998, 63–67.
"The impact of Enterprise JavaBeans in business," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 81–84.
"The future of Virtual Java Machine(s)," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 71–74.
"Programming with generic interfaces," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 59–61.
"Java: write once, run where?" 3(10) Oct. 1998, 71, 73–74.
"Upgrading your Web site to Java: The first step," 2(5) May 1997, 51–55.
"Facilitating enterprise development," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 81–83.

Kershner, Tad Product Review
"Peace of Mind Is Priceless, Java Testing With jtest!" Jan. 2000, 12–16.
"A Close-to-Perfect IDE, VisualCafé 4.0," 5(5) May 2000, 10–14, 86.

Kolawa, Adam "Coding Standards in Java—Do We Need Them?" 5(3) Mar. 2000, 48–62.

Kozel, Kathy "How To Use Jini Distributed Leasing," 5(6) June 2000, 68–90.

Kumaran, S. Ilango "A Quick Look At Jini," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 51–54.

Kurniawan, Budi "AWT Styled Text Component," 5(12), Dec. 2000, 52–59.

Kuznetsov, Eugene "Optimizing Performance Execution With Java," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 49–51.



Landis, Sean "Distributed Event Notification Using RMI," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 17–28.

Larman, Craig "Designs for Lazy Materialization," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 45–54.
Modeling and Java
"Designing object responsibilities and collaborations," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 69–75.
"The System Behavior Model: What it does," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 72–78.
"What the UML is—and isn't," 4(5) May 1999, 20–24.
"Transition from analysis to design," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 62–68.
"The Presentation and Domain Layers," 4(12) Dec. 1999, 64–68, 82.
"Do the right thing; do the thing right," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 76–80.
"The use case model; What are the processes?" 3(8) Aug. 1998, 62–72.
"The conceptual model: What's the object?" 3(10) Oct. 1998, 76–78, 80, 81.

Lasseigne, Todd "Dynamic servlet to JSP™ page navigation," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 82–89.

Lauinger, Todd "JLog: A Java Logging Framework," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 42–50.
"Object-Oriented Software Development in Java," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 59–61, 73.

Lewis, Bil "Writing More Complex Synchronization in Java," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 47–58, 79.

Lipták, Gábor Product Review
"InstallShield Delivers Latest Installment, JavaEdition Version 3.02," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 14–17.

Lipton, Daniel "A Reusable Email Service: Corba Meets JavaMail," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 61–68.

Long, Fred "Avoiding Garbage Collection in Java Applications," 5(1) Jan. 2000, 28–34.

Long, Peter "To Do Or Not To Do—That Is the Question," 4(5) May 1999, 39–50, 66.

Louth, William "Bridging the Gap Between Java Clients and EJBs Using XML," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 36–51.



Major, Kathleen M. Editorial
"Networking the World," 2(5) May 1997, 4–6.

Mak, Ronald "How to Create Bipolar CORBA Objects in Java," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 29–37.

Malarvannan, Mani "Applying Reflective Architectural Pattern to EJB," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 31–40.

Maletic, Greg and Eric Shapiro "Turning Your Applets Into JavaBeans," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 33–44.

Malks, Dan "Using the Java Web Server and the Server Applet," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 47–58.
The Architect's Corner
"JSP and Servlets: A powerful pair," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 80, 74–78.

Mangan, Mark "Java Jobs 1.1," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 41–43.

Mann, Kito D. Product Review
"Feature-Rich Support for High-Traffic Sites: iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 14–19.

Mannion, Mike "Dynamic Binder," 5(3) Mar. 2000, 20–26.
"Getting Dynamic," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 34–40.
"Rapid GUI Development for the Web: Exploiting Java, XML, and XSLT," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 24–30, 109.
"Concurrent Contracts: Design-By-Contract™ and Concurrency in Java," 4(5) May 1999, 51–66.
"Prevention Is Better Than a Cure," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 23–36.

Martin, Robert C. "Java and C++: A Critical Comparison," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 61–71, 75.

Matic, Nebojsa "Email Framework," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 41–48.

Matsumura, Miko "Behind Java's Performance Boost," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 25–27, 72.

Matthews, Tim "Using Cryptography in Java for a Secure Environment," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 61–68.

McCormick, John Director's Note
"Interesting Times," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 4.
"Our Mission," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 4.
Coffee Talk
"Web-Based Front Ends for Your Applications," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 12–16.
"An Objective Look at Java With Grady Booch," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 12–16.
Book Reviews
"Book 'Em," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 8.
Corporate Profile
"Natural Intelligence—Who Are Those Guys?," Jul./Aug. 1(3) 1996, 20–22.

McGraw, Gary and Edward Felten "Java Security: Dealing With Hostile Applets," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 39–46.

McManus, Alex "Layout Managers—Love Them Or Leave Them, They're Here to Stay!" 4(6) Jun. 1999, 33–50.
"Meeting the Need for Speed," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 55–60.
"The Need for Speed—Optimizing Your Java Programs," 3(5) May 1998, 39–44.
"Java: Memories Are Made of This," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 39.

Meese, Philip Java Tutor
"Creating your first app," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 36–46.
"Developing a text marquee," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 42–48.
"Improving marquees with double buffering," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 35–39.
"Using threads to make applets more dynamic," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 58–62.

Mehler, Mark "IS Views of Network Computers," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 47–49.

Metsker, Steven J. "Java Permutations and Combinations," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 49–60.
"Java Rules—Develop Powerful Interpreters With Java," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 53–62.

Metz, Eldon "Advanced JavaBeans Development," 4(12) Dec. 1999, 32–42.

Meyer, Michel "True, Online Multimedia," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 58–59.

Milletti, Umberto "The Magic of Dynamic Page Delivery," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 19–22, 79.

Misfeldt, Trevor "Incremental Beans Development," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 73–80.

Mohseni, Piroz "XML: The Data Spice for Java," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 49–54.

Monday, Paul B. "The San Francisco Project—Business Process Components and Infrastructure," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 51–60.
"A Java Proxy Application: An Introduction to URLStreamHandlers," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 59–66.

Monson–Haefel, Richard "What's New in EJB 1.1," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 23–30, 83.

Mortiz, Ron "Why We Shouldn't Fear Java," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 51–56.

Moskowitz, D. "Java Training Without Getting Soaked," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 45–52.

Muckenhoupt, Carl "Chatlets—Build Chat Applets With Java and Take Advantage of Its Powerful Networking Library," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 19–20.



National Software Testing Labs Product Reviews
"Java Programming and Core Class Libraries CD-ROM," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 74–75.
"PowerJ: The Potential to Expand Java's Share In Client/Server Development," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 12–14.
"Bulletproof's JDesigner Pro: Supporting Java's Evolution From A Mere Language To A Platform of Many Uses," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 16–18, 72.

Nylund, Joel "Memory Leaks in Java Programs," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 22–30.



O'Brien, Patrick "Making Java Objects Persistent," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 49–60.

O'Shea, John "Locating CORBA Objects From Java," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 23–30.

Oaks, Scott Scott's Solutions
"Using Swing's glass pane feature to perform overlay drawing," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 80, 78.
"Everybody into the pool!" 5(5) May 2000, 96, 92.
"Easy HTML parsing," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 104, 98.
"Caching RMI objects," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 112, 110.
"Printing in Java," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 80, 78–79.
"Versioning solutions," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 80, 78–79.
"Using RMI callbacks to deal with asynchronous messages," 4(6) Jun. 1999, 112, 109–110. "Dealing with I/O in an event-oriented fashion," 4(8) Aug. 1999, 88, 86–87.
"Using the Reflection API," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 80, 78–79.
"Creating good Java interfaces," 4(12) Dec. 1999, 88, 86.
"Serialization: Copying objects through any I/O stream," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 80, 78–79.
"Techniques for loading classes quickly," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 88, 86–87.
"How can we use memory responsibly in Java," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 96, 94–95.
"Selecting a JDBC driver for your application," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 88, 86.
"The burden of synchronization: Hashtable vs. HashMap," 3(8) Aug. 1998, 77–79.
"Back to basics: Network servers in Java," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 88, 86, 87.
"In praise of layout managers," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 80, 79.
"Enumerating types within Java," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 80, 79.
"Is Java really secure?" 2(3) Mar. 1997, 80, 79.
"How packages work in 1.1," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 80, 79.
"Changing behavior with a factory," 2(5) May 1997, 80, 79.
"Dynamic Method Invocation," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 80, 79.
"No one answer for every solution," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 80, 79.
"An SMTP-based mail client," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 80, 79.
"Handling fonts in applets," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 80, 79.
"Protecting your byte code," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 88, 86.
"Programming with threads in Java 1.2," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 88, 87.
"How do I create UI components?" 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 64, 63.
"Passing function pointers to a Java method," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 64, 62.
"Two techniques for handling events," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 80, 78.
"Copying objects in Java," 1(5) Sept. 1996, 80, 79.
"Using filters to manipulate images," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 72, 71.
"Using a URLConnection," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 80, 78–79.

Opderbeck, Holger "Using Next Generation Technology for Java Education," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 53–66.



Pant, Lalit "Developing Intelligent Systems With Java and Prolog," 5(5) May 2000, 22–32.

Patten, Bob and Gary Grandlienard "Using Resource Bundles to Internationalize Text," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 37–44.

Patten, Bob and James McCabe "Reducing Network Traffic in Distributed Java Apps," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 51–57.

Paxson, Cynthia/National Software Testing Laboratory Product Reviews
"Analyze the Reliability of Your Software—Parasoft's jtest!" 3(4) Apr. 1998, 85–86.
"Business-Critical Application Tools for Client and Server—Progress Software's Apptivity Version 2.0," 3(5) May 1998, 66–73.

Pepper, Jon Corporate Profile
"RogueWave Delivers the Tools," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 20–24.

Perkins, Charles and Laura Lemay "The Big Picture," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 47–53, 56.
Book Review
"Java for C/C++ Programmers," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 30–31.

Petschulat, Stephen "CORBA & Netscape—Ubiquitously Distributed Object Infrastructure," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 43–50, 68.

Pierce, Bill and Adam Levin-Delson "Porting Visual Basic Applications to Java: A View From the Front Lines" Jan. 2000, 18–26.
"Porting Visual Basic Applications to Java, Part 2," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 50–56.

Platt, Steven/National Software Testing Laboratory Product Reviews
"SilverStream: A Polished Package," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 73–77.
"Netiva's Web Database Application," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 19–22.



Raj, Gopalan Suresh "Guarantee Inter-Enterprise Message Delivery Using JMS," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 64–84.

Raley, John "Object Coaching With the ThreadLock Class," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 28–32, 85.

Rayhan, Syed Humayun "Simplifying MQSeries With the Facade Pattern," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 76–80.

Reilly, David Special Feature
"J2EE and CORBA," 5(6) June 2000, 32–36.

Reilly, David Product Review
"A Must-Have Exam Simulator, Maya Consultancy's gEs: Java 2.0" 5(3) Mar. 2000, 12–15.

Rems, Tony Product Review
"BEA System's WebLogic Application Server," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 12–16.

Repking, Ron "Deployment Strategies for Java Client Applications," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 35–44.

Repking, Ron and Christopher Nippert "Developing Successful Enterprise Applications Using Java Servlets," 4(9) Sept. 1999, 39–50.

Richardson, Bill Industry Analysis
"The State of Java Education Today," 3(5) May 1998, 17–19.

Richter, Mathias, and Takashi Suezawa
"Dynamic Proxy Classes: Toward Metalevel Programming in Java," 5(8) Aug. 2000, 32–41.

Riehle, Dirk "Method Types in Java," 5(2) Feb. 2000, 22–34.
"Method Properties in Java," 5(5) May 2000, 62–77.

Riehle, Dirk and Erica Dubach "Working With Java Interfaces and Classes, How to Separate Interfaces From Implementations," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 35–46.
"Working With Java Interfaces and Classes: How to maximize design and code reuse in the face of inheritance," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 34–46.

Roberts, Chris and Will Schenk Architect's Corner
"A Rule Engine integration architecture for the enterprise," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 104–114.

Roberts, Mary Lou Corporate Profile
"Andersen Ramps Up Java Staff 1,000 and Counting...," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 14–16.

Robinson, Matthew and Pavel Vorobiev "Java 2 Printing," 5(6) June 2000, 50–66.

Rogers, Wm. Paul "Objects Don't Polymorph: A Conceptual View of Subtype Polymorphism," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 72–80.

Roth, Bill "An Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans Technology," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 39, 40, 42–44, 46.



Sadun, Cristiano "URL for Smarties: How to Invent New URL Formats and Be Happy," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 70–78.

Shecter, Robb "Object-Oriented Widgets," 4(12) Dec. 1999, pp. 44–52.

Schedlbauer, Martin and David Udin "How to Successfully Migrate to Java," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 61–66.

Schuff, Fred "Some ++DUMB Relics in Java" Jan. 1999, 42–45, 68.

Schwartz, Steven H. Book Reviews
"Kick Ass Java," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 70–71.
"Java Programming Language," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 22–23.

Scotkin, Joel Java Means Business
"Assessing the Java security layers," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 65–67.
"Visualization: How Java can add real value," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 12–15, 79.
"The best tool for the job," 2(5) May 1997, 61–65.
"Java in the corporate environment," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 54–56.
"Three tiers for Java!" 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 59–62.
"Myths, reality, and when to use Java," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 74–77.
"Distributed objects for Java—The CORBA connection," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 69–72.
"Distributed complexities," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 63–68.
"How 1.1 will affect business," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 37–40.

Scott, Adrian "VRML With JavaScript: A New World of Possibilities for Dynamic World Creation," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 40–45.
"Introduction to LiveConnect," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 34–39.
"The Marriage of Java and VRML," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 54, 57–62.

Seidman, Gerry "Internet Address: Networking in Java," 2(5) May 1997, 31–38.

Seltzer, Tim and Himanshu Bhatt Architect's Corner
"Persistence alternatives using an EJB™ component architecture," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 98–103.

Seshadri, Govind "Distributed Java Computing Using RMI," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 39–46.
Distributed Computing
"Implementing custom sockets with Java/RMI," 4(5) May 1999, 77–85.
"Remote object activation," 4(10) Oct. 1999, 60–68.

Sevareid, Jeremy "The JDK 1.1's New Delegation Event Model," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 59–64, 79.
"How to Drag and Drop Images," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 58–62.

Shafer, Dan "JavaScript Tips: An Update," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 29–32.

Shah, Apu "Cookie Monster," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 31–40.

Shah, Apu and Steve Renaker State of the Art
"How applets are being used and misused, 2(4) Apr. 1997, 22–24.
"Java Spaces—An object-sharing framework that may redefine distributed computing," 2(5) May 1997, 16–17.

Shepherd, Pat Product Review
"Java Studio: Dynamic Demonstrations of Java and Component-Based Development," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 10–17.

Ship, Howard "Build Feature-Rich, World-Class Web Applications," 5(6) June 2000, 38–48.

Smith, Andrew "Distributed Observer Chains," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 49–58.

Smith, Johnathan Mark Java To Go!
"Objects over sockets," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 12–13.
"Sending email using Java," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 80.

Snyder, Scott "JavaServer Pages for Enterprise-Level Computing," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 43–55.

Spall, Roger "Panel States: A User Interface Design Pattern," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 23–34.

Starke, Gernot "Java on the Palm Pilot," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 26–36, 70.

Steel, Chris "Constructing a secure distributed architecture," Jan. 2000, 80, 74–78.

Surveyer, Jacques "C# = (C-Sharp == Microsoft Java++) ? True : False;" 5(10) Oct. 2000, 74–78, 103.

Book Review
"Process Patterns for Better Object-Oriented Development," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 28–29.

Sutter, Herb "C Family of Languages: Interview With James Gosling, Dennis Ritchie, and Bjarne Stroustrup," 5(7) Jul. 2000 22–52.

Swanson, Scott "Striking a Balance Between Flexibility and Security," 2(2) Feb. 1997, 18–20.



Tayouri, David "Invoke Servlet Methods From Java Apps," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 30–34.

Thomas, Lowell Product Reviews
"Top-Notch Help Authoring: RoboHELP Office 2000," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 14–20, 104.
"Intuitive's OptimizeIt—Real-World Performance" 3(5) May 1998, 74–78.
"Leveraging the Power of the Web—PowerSCRIBE Addresses All Aspects of Enterprise Information Services" 3(7) Jul. 1998, 70–72.
"All You Need To Build Robust Component-Based Software: Imperial Software Technology's Visaj," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 71–72.
"Supercede: Java Edition," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 17–21, 78.
"Innotech's NetResults," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 16–19.
"The 1997 Java Marketplace: New and Notable Products," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 51–69.
Book Reviews
"Web Developers Guide to JavaScript and VB Script, Your Complete Guide to Creating Live Interactive Online Applications," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 68–71.
"Java Database Programming With JDBC," 2(5) May 1997, 24–28.
"Building VRML Worlds—How to Plan, Design, and Construct VRML Sites," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 25–26.
Special Section
"Innovative and Affordable Learning Tools," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 54–66.

Tillinghast, Tig Madison Avenue Java
"The State of the Java," 5(4) Apr. 2000, 88.
"Java faces death sentence by browser duopoly," 5(7) Jul. 2000, 120.
"The latest conspiracy theory: the bifurcated cookie jar," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 104, 103.
"How the Web is killing Java," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 80.
"Fuzzy logic and Java-enabled beard trimmers," 4(3) Mar. 1999, 80.
"The ongoing fight to define Java's identity," 4(5) May 1999, 88, 86.
"Guide to technology etiquette," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 70–72.
"Java: A long way but not far enough—yet!" 3(5) May 1998, 64–65.
"Never mind that Java behind the curtain," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 68, 79.
"The solution resolution," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 80.
"Lead, follow, or just get out of the way," 3(11) Nov. 1998, 96.
"The Net is falling, the Net is falling," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 72–75.
"The ugly edges around Java," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 66, 72.
"Shockwave vs. ActiveX vs. Java," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 74, 78.
"Smart zigging will pay off big," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 71–72.
"How marketers can best choose Java partners," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 52–54.
"Money between strange bedfellows," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 62–63.
"How and why to ward off lawyers—Five interactive headaches from Hell," 1(4) Sept. 1996, 28–32.
"Developer as management consultant?" 1(5) Oct. 1996, 69–71.
"JavaSoft gave us JDK 1.1—Java marketing 1.1 is up to us," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 44–46.

Torunski, Jean-Philippe Java To Go!
"Creating a Reusable Login Dialog," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 80, 79.

Tropeano, David Getting Started With Objects
"Getting into OT," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 27–29, 46.
"The building blocks," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 22–25.
"Class design," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 31–34.
"Heuristics and controllers," 1(3) Sept. 1996, 24–27.

Trux, Antoine "Dark Corners of the Java Virtual Machine," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 59–66.

Turner, Andrew Java To Go!
"Reflections of a Company-Wide JUG," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 26.



van Hoff, Arthur "Believing the Hype," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 30–34.

Vargas, Byron "A Realistic View of the Java Revolution," 1(3) Jul./Aug. 1996, 28–30, 64.
Product Review
"JClass LiveTable Applet and LiveTable Pro," 2(1) Jan. 1997, 28–30, 75.
"Java Workshop—Sun's Downloadable Stand-alone Application," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 18–21.

Viswanathan, K.V. "Exploiting Java's Object-Oriented Features," 4(8), Aug. 1999, 57–64, 83.

Vlissides, John "The Compound Without a Name," 5 (11) Nov. 2000, 70–80.

Voelter, Markus "Aspect-Oriented Programming in Java" Jan. 2000, 35–40, 70.



Walker, Willie "Tips and Tricks for Debugging Jini™ Technology-Enabled Services," 5(9) Sept. 2000, 44–50.

Waters, John K. Coffee Talk
"The Glue That Holds Diverse Systems Together: An Interview with Symantec's Mansour Safai" 4(2) Feb. 1999, 14–16, 26.
"David Gee on Java: Performance Is Key," 3(1) Jan. 1998, 16–19, 73.
"Java Center of Gravity: In the Hands of the Developer," 3(2) Feb. 1998, 14–18.
"Finjan's Security Check: Multiple Lines of Defense," 3(3) Mar. 1998, 18–22.
"Microsoft on Java: Developers Should Have a Choice," 3(4) Apr. 1998, 10–14.
"Sun Speaks on the Upcoming Release of 1.2 and Their Continued Battles With Microsoft," 3(5) May 1998, 20–22.
"Apple and Microsoft's Unifying Java Strategies," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 12–14.
"Hewlett Packard's Embedded Applications—Write Once, Run Where Appropriate" 3(9) Sept. 1998, 10–12.
"Integrating the Enterprise—Inprise's Commitment to Simplify Distributed Applications," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 20–22.
"Java Alive With Sound," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 14–17, 22.
Conference Reports
"Java A Hot Topic at Object World West," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 14, 24.
"Seybold Publishing Conference '97," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 22–24.
Product Review
"Digital Book Services: Paper? We Don't Need No Stinking Paper," 5(10) Oct. 2000, 12–18.
Special Feature
"Sun's J2EE: The Standard for Developing Multitier Enterprise Applications," 5(6) June 2000, 18.
"The Top Products for 2000," 5(12) Dec. 2000, 12–24.
"The Hottest and Coolest Products for '99!" 4(11) Nov. 1999, 11–20.

Weeks, Kevin Product Overview
"Java Education 101," 4(5) May 1999, 16–18.

Weisfeld, Matt and Gabriel Torok "Fine Tuning Java Applications," 4(11) Nov. 1999, 32–40.

Weintraub, Jacob Book Review
"Hooked on Java—Creating Hot Web Sites With Java Applets," 1(1) Mar./Apr. 1996, 58, 60.

Werman, Aaron The Database Connection
"J/SQL: Taking the pain out of JDBC," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 16–24.
"Your first JDBC program," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 62–65.
"A tale of two cities," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 30–32.

Werner, Laura "Efficient Text Searching in Java," 4(2) Feb. 1999, 45–58, 77.

White, Eric "Enumerating Types With Class," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 51–55.

White, Iseult "Patterns and the Java Class Libraries," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 40–45.

Wilcox, Steve "Designing Thin Java Client Applications for Network Computers," 3(6) Jun. 1998, 19–28.

Winston, Patrick H. and Sundar Marasimhan "How to Use the Model-View Approach to Interface Design," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 63–68.

Wirfs-Brock, Allen "Complex Java Applications—Breaking the Speed Limit," 4(1) Jan. 1999, 23–30.

Wittmer, Kevin "DXML—A Second Generation XML Toolkit," 5(11) Nov. 2000, 58–68, 110.

Wong, Henry Pragmatic Programmer
"What is JavaBean persistence?" 3(3) Mar. 1998, 70.
"What's all the hype about Enterprise JavaBeans?" 3(7) Jul. 1998, 62.
"Looking at the features of JDK 1.1, 2(2) Feb. 1997, 22–25.
"Life span of an applet," 2(3) Mar. 1997, 52–55.
"A look at image observers," 2(4) Apr. 1997, 28–32.
"From image observers to media trackers," 2(5) May 1997, 56–60.
"Moving on to image producers and image consumers," 2(6) Jun. 1997, 28–32.
"Pitfalls of using the Wait() and Notify() methods," 2(7) Jul./Aug. 1997, 30–34.
"Event handling with JavaBeans," 2(8) Sept. 1997, 66–70.
"A look at properties," 2(9) Oct. 1997, 25–30, 78.
"JavaBeans 101," 2(11) Dec. 1997, 82–85.
"A look at layout managers," 1(2) May/Jun. 1996, 49–51.
"Writing your own layout managers," 1(6) Jul./Aug. 1996, 65–73.
"A look at event handling," 1(5) Oct. 1996, 26–32.
"How events are delivered," 1(6) Nov./Dec. 1996, 73–77.



Yao, Jaingang Java To Go
"Proxy Authentication and Automated Web Clients," 3(5) May 1998, 88.

Yogaratnam, Kumanan Embedded Java
"Device-specific profiles," 5(9) Sept. 2000. 92–96, 119.



Zhou, Joe "Using CAB Technology to Improve Applet Performance," 2(10) Nov. 1997, 67–72.

Zino, Todd C. Special Feature
"JDBC: A Growing Legacy? 5(6) June 2000, 19–22.
"JMS: A New Enterprise?" 5(6) June 2000, 22–25.

Zino, Todd C./ National Software Testing Laboratory Product Reviews
"Class Libraries That Integrate Into the Existing AWT: JViews encourages 2D developers to take Java plunge," 4(4) Apr. 1999, 14–16.
"JProbe 2.0 Developer Suite Offers Sophisticated Performance Utilities," 4(7) Jul. 1999, 12–16.
"Practical, Yet Painless, Object Modeling: Object International's Together/J," 3(7) Jul. 1998, 74–76.
"Unique Features for Java IDEs, Yet Quirky Throughout: ObjectShare's PARTS For Java Professional," 3(9) Sept. 1998, 74–75.
"Novera's jBusiness Simplifies Deployment to One Set Business Logic," 3(10) Oct. 1998, 82–83.

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