Main content of PointBenchmark Java3D benchmark, showing the three different methods of manipulating the point arrays.
- By James Schatzman and Roy Donehower
- January 17, 2001
Power Java
High-Performance Java Software Development
James Schatzman and Roy Donehower
Listing 3. Main content of PointBenchmark Java3D benchmark, showing the three different methods of manipulating the point arrays.
// The Java 3D behavior scheduler invokes a Behavior node’s
// processStimulus method when a ViewPlatform’s activation volume
// intersects a Behavior object’s scheduling region and all of that
// behavior’s wakeup criteria are satisfied.
private WakeupCondition condition = new
public void processStimulus(final Enumeration criteria) {
while (criteria.hasMoreElements()) {
final WakeupCriterion wakeup =
if (wakeup instanceof WakeupOnElapsedFrames) {
public interface ITrans {
public void translateZ();
// This is the slowest way to implement the animationby adding
// to every point the amount of translation (in the z direction) to be
// translated.
public class TransformPoints1 implements ITrans {
private final Point3f myTemppoint = new Point3f();
private int myNumPoints;
private PointArray myStarPointArray = null;
private float myAmountToTranslate = 0.0f;
public TransformPoints1(final int
numPoints, final PointArray pointArray, final float amount){
myNumPoints = numPoints;
myStarPointArray = pointArray;
myAmountToTranslate = amount;
public void translateZ() {
for (int i = 0; i < myNumPoints; ++i) {
myPointArray.getCoordinate(i, myTemppoint);
myTemppoint.set(myTemppoint.x, myTemppoint.y,
myTemppoint.z - myAmountToTranslate);
myPointArray.setCoordinate(i, myTemppoint);
// This is a slightly faster way to translate each point by a fixed
// amount in the z direction. Instead of getting each coordinate,
// calculating the new coordinate, and setting the coordinate to the
// new value, we place all the coordinates in a local array of points,
// modify this array with the new point values, and set all the
// points in the point array at once.
public class TransformPoints2 implements ITrans {
private final Point3f myTemppoint = new Point3f();
private int myNumPoints;
private PointArray myPointArray = null;
private float myAmountToTranslate = 0.0f;
private Point3f myPoints[] = null;
public TransformPoints2(final int numPoints, final PointArray
pointArray, final float amount, final Point3f[] points){
myNumPoints = numPoints;
myPointArray = pointArray;
myAmountToTranslate = amount;
myPoints = points;
public void translateZ() {
for (int i=0; i<myNumPoints; ++i) {
myPoints[i].z -= myAmountToTranslate;
myPointArray.setCoordinates(0, myPoints);
// set the points in the point array
// This is the fastest way to translate all the points by a fixed
//amount in the z direction. Once all the points have been set, the
// only thing required to translate the points is a
// simpleTransformGroup.setTransform() to the correct translation
// transform.
public class TransformPoints3 implements ITrans {
private final Vector3f myVector = new Vector3f();
private final Transform3D myTransform = new Transform3D();
private float myAmountToTranslate = 0.0f;
private final TransformGroup myTransformGroup;
public TransformPoints3 (final float amount,
final TransformGroup transformGroup){
myAmountToTranslate = amount;
myTransformGroup = transformGroup;
public void translateZ() {
myVector.z -= myAmountToTranslate;
myTransform.setTranslation (myVector);