January 2001 From the Pages Features

Transaction Processing With Java
Salih Ergül
As the complexity of distributed applications increases, so does the probability of failures in different components of an application. The all-or-nothing nature of transactions fits well into the basic requirements of mission-critical applications. Salih takes a look at transaction processing concepts and shows how to develop transactional applications in Java using CORBA and J2EE technologies.

Extending the Power of JDBC Drivers
Nitin Nanda
Interested in writing a JDBC driver? Interested in extending the features of an existing JDBC driver? Nitin describes the JDBC driver architecture, the sequence of calls it takes to get a database connection, and the steps to write a JDBC driver or to extend one.

Understanding the Dynamic Proxy Classes in Java 1.3
Tarak Modi
Version 1.3 of the Java 2 Platform has added a new API for dynamic proxy classes. These classes are part of the Java Reflection API package. A dynamic proxy class can be used to create a type-safe proxy object for a list of interfaces without requiring pre-generation of the proxy class. Tarak presents two ways of creating a proxy class—the easy way and the hard way.

Loitering Objects and Java Framework Design

Leonard Slipp
Effective memory management in Java relies on effective reference management by Java programmers. Reference management can be difficult in the context of framework-based development. Leonard provides techniques for effective reference management in framework-based development.

Genetic Programming in Java—A Scheduling Example
Peter Winzell
Scheduling problems are in most cases difficult to optimize, difficult to visualize, and also complex. New technology with faster CPUs, the ability to store large data locally, and networking capabilities provides an opportunity to attack scheduling problems with new ideas. Peter focuses on an optimizing problem that often arises during a typical scheduling process of multiple resources.

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