Examples of the descriptor being used in client code.
- By William Louth
- November 17, 2000
Bridging the Gap Between Java Clients and EJBs Using XML
William Louth
Listing 5. Examples of the descriptor being used in client code.
// TreeCellRenderer
Descriptor d = DescriptorLookup.getInstance().get(value);
// ListCellRenderer - getListCellRendererComponent method
if ((value instanceof Describeable)) {
// get the descriptor, ask it to determine the icon and text for the
// list item to be displayed
Descriptor dd = DescriptorLookup.getInstance().get(value);
// FolderTableModel methods
public String getColumnName(int col) {
// _props is a list of PropertyDescriptors that is set when the folder
// table model is given a Folder object to display. Folder objects hold
// only one type of Describeable object. The table model can get the
// object descriptor relating to the type of contents and determine
// the columns and so on.
return ((PropertyDescriptor)_props.get(col)).getName();
public int getColumnCount() {
return _props.size();
// The following 2 methods can handle any list of objects, i.e.,
// rows, without writing type-specific code.
public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
Object value = null;
try {
_rows[row] = getValues((Describeable)_objs[row]);
value = ((Object[])_rows[row])[col];
} catch (Exception e) {
value = e;
return value;
private Object[] getValues(Describeable d) {
int size = _props.size();
Object[] props = new Object[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
props[i] = ((PropertyDescriptor)_props.get(i)).getValue(d);
return props;