November From the Pages Features

Rapid GUI Development for the Web: Exploiting Java, XML, and XSLT

Mike Mannion
The XML/XSLT combination has for some time been sold as the magic we all require to make corporate information accessible to end-users in record time—Internet time. Mike outlines one way in which XML and XSLT can be exploited to quickly realize interactive HTML-based applications.

Internationalize Your Web Site

Gary Bollinger and Bharathi Natarajan
Gary and Bharathi describe how to extend JSPs to internationalize Web sites. A simple tag library supports internationalization of Web pages by defining a set of tags in XML and implementing Java classes to handle the desired actions and provide localized text strings.

Techniques for Optimizing Web Site Development and Runtime Characteristics

Christopher A. Fregly
Web developers face many challenges building and maintaining high-performance, flexible, adaptable Web sites. Chris demonstrates how to improve Web site development and runtime characteristics through a process that encourages effective analysis and documentation.

DXML-A Second Generation XML Toolkit

Kevin Wittmer
Kevin introduces DXML, a Java-based XML toolkit that allows the developer to manipulate XML documents at the application object level. To illustrate the use of this toolkit, he discusses how DXML is used to implement a file format handling aspects for a satellite tracking application.

The Compound Without a Name

John Vlissides
What's in a name? Plenty when it's attached to a design pattern. The pattern template evolved, as did a set of patterns, but neither proved as unstable as the names. Coming up with good names for compound patterns is as hard as naming conventional patterns. John introduces Memento-Command, a protopattern that doesn't have enough known uses to brand it a full-fledged pattern.

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