From the Pages Columns

The value of logging
Ethan Henry
Java developers don't use debuggers very often. So, how do developers track down and identify bugs in Java code? One word: logging. Ethan discusses the value of logging and how it is one of the most powerful and sophisticated techniques available to track down bugs.

Enhancing container classes with deep-copy semantics
Steve Ball
The container classes have shallow-copy semantics by default, and there is no provision that would allow them to be cloned by deep-copy. Steve illustrates how the unconventional use of a mix-in class can be used to imbue the Java API container classes with this elusive ability.

The latest conspiracy theory: the bifurcated cookie jar
Tig Tillinghast
Microsoft is making available a patch to its browser that would let users know any time cookies are uploaded. Microsoft is also allowing you to distinguish between the cookies that the site delivers to you and the cookies that third parties deliver. This creates an unequal situation. Microsoft Network sites now have the ability to track users across the Internet but other networks do not.

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