Aug. From the Pages Columns

Create XML files using JSP
David Geary
A frequently asked question on the JSP mailing list is, "Can I create XML files using JSP?" David answers that question and more, with a Web application that generates an XML file from the applications data. That XML file is subsequently processed with Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to produce HTML.

Collections for States
Kevlin Henney
Patterns are about capturing breadth as well as depth of knowledge, and we can find that problems that seemed similar have enough minor differences that the appropriate solutions are in fact poles apart. The Collections for State pattern addresses the implementation of simple state models over collections of objects.

Easy HTML parsing
Scott Oaks
Scott looks at an HTML parser that's built into the Swing classes. This parser is a nifty little utility that has many uses outside of displaying HTML in a JEditor Pane.

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