C++ Conference and Event Listings

October 2–5, 2000
Doubletree Hotel
San Jose, CA

Quality. Integrity. Longetivity. Value
October 29–November 1, 2000
The Fairmont Hotel
San Jose, CA
Master Your Java Development Skills and Plan Your Java Development Future at JavaPlus

Free Seminars on XML for the E-Business Revolution
Presented by XMLSolutions
Upcoming fall seminars to be held in Boston, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston, New York, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and Seattle/Vancouver.
www.xmls.com/news/executive-seminar.html or call 1-877-434-9657.

Component Development Europe:
September 13–15, 2000, Frankfurt, Germany
Call for papers: Closed.

Embedded Systems Conference:
September 24–28, 2000, San Jose, CA, USA
Directed at interests of software development for constrained and embedded platforms. Exhibition, classes, and all-day tutorials.
Call for papers: Closed.

West Coast Internet and e-Business (iEB) Expo
September 26–28, 2000
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, CA

Java and C/C++ Seminars Fall:
September 28–30, 2000, Oxford UK
Focused on software design and construction using the C family of languages.

October 15–19, 2000, Minneapolis, MN, USA
ACM conference focused on object-oriented programming systems and languages.
Some academic orientation.

Component Developer's & User's Forum
October 16–18, 2000
Munich, Germany
The deadline for early-bird registrations is: September 15, 2000.

XML One Europe Fall:
October 18–20, 2000, London, UK
Use of XML technologies with various programming languages, databases, and other tools.
Call for papers: Closed.

SIGS Conference for Java Development:
October 29–November 2, 2000, San Jose, CA, USA
Language-specific conference covering Java programming and tools.
Call for papers: Closed.

Software Development East:
October 29–November 2, 2000, Washington, DC, USA
General software development conference, covering various languages and platforms. Call for papers: Closed.

Embedded Systems Europe:
November 7–9, 2000, Maastricht, Netherlands
Directed at interests of software development for constrained and embedded platforms. Exhibition, classes, and all-day tutorials.
Call for papers: Closed.

Modern C++ Seminar:
December 4–8, 2000, London, UK
December 11–15, 2000, Zurich, Switzerland
A 5-day seminar on new language features and programming techniques given by Angelika Langer, longtime C++ Report columnist and co-author of the new book Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales.

OOP 2000/SIGS Expo for Java:
January 22–26, 2001, Munich, Germany
Focus on object technology development, including coverage of topics such as XML, Swing components, CORBA 3, UML 1.x, Info-Bus, COM+, ATL, MTS, Application servers, DOM, XFDL, Python, RMI, Java Plug-in Technology, Jini & JavaSpaces Technology, JavaServer Pages, Servlets, and Java HotSpot Virtual Machine.
Call for papers: Closes July 1.

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