Office 365 for IT Pros

TMT11 Deploying, Configuring, Securing, and Supporting Microsoft Entra Connect


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Intermediate

John O'Neill, Sr.

Chief Technologist

AWS Solutions

In this detailed 75-minute session, IT professionals will master the end-to-end process of deploying, configuring, securing, and supporting Microsoft Entra Connect, Microsoft's cutting-edge on-prem to Cloud directory synchronization solution. Aimed at professionals with a foundational understanding of identity and access management principles, the session is crafted to provide a granular walkthrough of Entra Connect's capabilities, from initial setup and configuration to advanced security configurations and troubleshooting common issues.

You will learn:

  • About a highly-available Entra Connect deployment
  • About monitoring the health and stability of Entra Connect
  • How to ensuring seamless and secure connectivity between on-prem AD and Entra ID