Keynotes, General Sessions & Panels

Visual Studio Live! Panel Discussion: Adapting Strategies - Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Networking and Interviewing in Tech


11:00am - 12:00pm

Level: Everyone

Sara Caldwell

Business Agility Coach

Chris Klug


Active Solution

Amber Vanderburg


Pathwayz Group

Networking, searching for career opportunities, and interviewing has been complicated by modern approaches and processes used by headhunters, recruiters, and hiring managers. This panel discussion will explore the dynamic nature of the tech job market and the need for professionals to continuously refine their approaches to how they network, how they present themselves in writing, and how they interview. Our experienced panel of technologists bring with them many perspectives including that of job seekers, hiring managers, coaches, and networkers. We’ll cover skills, techniques, and strategies including:

  • Remote Networking Techniques: With the rise of remote work, how can professionals effectively network in virtual environments? What are the best platforms and strategies for building meaningful connections remotely?
  • Soft Skills in Tech Interviews: While technical expertise is crucial, soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and collaboration are increasingly valued in tech interviews. How can candidates showcase these skills during the interview process?
  • Utilizing Online Platforms and Communities: Discussion on leveraging online platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and tech forums to expand one's network and showcase expertise. How can professionals maximize their online presence to attract job opportunities?
  • Staying Updated on Industry Trends: The tech landscape is constantly evolving with new technologies and trends emerging rapidly. How can candidates stay informed about industry developments and incorporate this knowledge into their networking and interview strategies?
  • Building Relationships with Recruiters and Hiring Managers: Tips for establishing and maintaining relationships with recruiters and hiring managers. How can candidates effectively leverage these connections to enhance their job search?
  • Handling Rejection and Learning from Setbacks: Rejection is a common part of the job search process. How can candidates cope with rejection, learn from setbacks, and use these experiences to improve their networking and interviewing skills?

Do you have questions about something you did not see in the list above? Bring them to this session and be part of the discussion.