RedMonk Ranks Programming Languages Using GitHub and StackOverflow

Programming language rankings get regular headlines, and they should, at least from trend trackers like us. Among my favorite is the RedMonk quarterly, published this week. I like the methodology of their system, which extracts data from GitHub and Stack Overflow and combines them for "a ranking that attempts to reflect both code (GitHub) and discussion (Stack Overflow) traction."

In other words, it correlates what the cool kids are talking about with actual language usage "in an effort to extract insights into potential future adoption trends." It's a mix that makes it meaningful. More

Posted by John K. Waters on March 4, 20210 comments

Foojay: A Place for Friends of OpenJDK, the community site for developers who use, target, and run their applications on top of Java and OpenJDK, today announced the companies who will make up its advisory board. The roster includes Azul, Datadog, DataStax, JFrog, Payara, and Snyk. This board will guide the direction, content and oversight of the site, with a focus on growing the community and meeting its mission to provide free information for everyday Java developers.

In case you missed it (which I must confess, I did), Foojay is a nascent-but-evolving-at-warp-speed Java information consolidation site for everyone from hard-core, in-the-trenches Java jocks to the Java curious. And it is a thing of beauty. It organizes information from multiple sources into logical categories and delivers the warts-and-all info you won't see on the vendors' sites. More

Posted by John K. Waters on February 4, 20210 comments

Eclipse Foundation Puts Down Formal Roots in Belgium

The Eclipse Foundation's move to Europe continues apace with the formal establishment last week of the Eclipse Foundation AIBL, its new international non-profit association in Brussels, Belgium. The new European entity launches with the support of founding members Bosch, Daimler TSS, IBM, and SAP, the Foundation said in an announcement.

The Eclipse Foundation is one of the world's leading open-source software foundations, steward of the Eclipse IDE, enterprise Java, and the Eclipse MicroProfile, and the heart of a global ecosystem of developers, companies, and public sector entities. By moving its legal residence from the United States to Belgium, the Foundation has created "a global institution that builds on its existing membership base, active developer community, and strong institutional relationships to enable collaboration and the free flow of open source software innovation throughout the entire world," the announcement reads. More

Posted by John K. Waters on January 21, 20210 comments

Bruno Souza on Eclipse Jakarta EE 9 and the Future of Java

One of the biggest events in the Java universe last year was the official release of the Eclipse Jakarta EE 9 Platform, Web Profile specifications, and related TCKs. It moved enterprise Java fully from the javax.* namespace to the jakarta.* namespace. That's about all it did, actually, but it was an extremely consequential change.

I talked with lots of people about the latest shift in the evolution of enterprise Java, and one of the guys I was most excited to connect with on this topic was Bruno Souza, founder and leader of the Brazil-based SouJava, the largest Java User Group (JUG) in the world. Souza was one of the initiators of the Apache Harmony project to create a non-proprietary Java virtual machine, he serves on the Executive Committee of the Java Community Process (JCP), and he's on the board of advisors at Java-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider Jelastic. More

Posted by John K. Waters on January 7, 20210 comments

New App Intelligence Platform Gets Control of 'Chaos'

Bionic, a company offering a new application intelligence platform, emerged from stealth recently and caught my eye. The platform was designed to provide enterprises with the ability to understand and control the "chaos" created by the "onslaught" of application changes pushed to production every day."

"Basically, we realized is that, with everybody moving to cloud containers, Kubernetes, Agile, and DevOps, it's empowering developers like never before," Idan Ninyo, co-found and CEO, told me. "And they're releasing more and more changes into production every day. The result is developers are so empowered and independent it creates this chaos, because every developer can kind of do whatever he wants." More

Posted by John K. Waters on December 17, 20200 comments

Intel Distro of OpenVINO Helps Devs with Inferencing Beyond Computer Vision

Developers continue to adapt to the advent in nearly everything of Artificial Intelligence (AI), or more precisely, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). And the tools are evolving with them and this growing demand.

One example is the OpenVINO toolkit. OpenVINO stands for Open Visual Inference and Neural Network Optimization. It's a toolkit developed and open sourced by Intel to facilitate faster inferencing in deep learning models on Intel hardware. It's based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), a deep learning algorithm designed for working with two-dimensional image data, although it can also be used with one-dimensional and three-dimensional data. The open-source version is licensed under and Apache License v2. More

Posted by John K. Waters on December 15, 20200 comments

Jakarta EE 9 Released

The Eclipse Foundation's Jakarta EE Working Group today announced the release of the Jakarta EE 9 Platform, Web Profile specifications, and related TCKs. The Foundation made the announcement during its JakartaOne Livestream event, currently underway online.

This is the release that moves enterprise Java fully from the javax.* namespace to the jakarta.* namespace. It "provides a new baseline for the evolution and innovation of enterprise Java technologies under an open, vendor-neutral, community-driven process," the Foundation said in a statement. The fact that it doesn't do much more than that is the key virtue of this release, says the Foundation's executive director, Mike Milinkovich. More

Posted by John K. Waters on December 8, 20200 comments

JavaScript Turns 25: Pluralsight Gurus Weigh In

On Friday, December 4, JavaScript turns 25. The venerable client-side scripting language had a wobbly start when Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich unveiled it in 1995, but today it runs on every Web browser, cell phone, Internet-enabled TV, and smart dishwasher.

When Java turned 25 in May of this year, online course provider Pluralsight shared the insights of its Java course authors on the impact of that juggernaut of a programming language and platform with ADTmag readers. The technology workforce development company turned to its popular JavaScript course authors on the occasion of the senior scripter's silver anniversary "to reflect on its impact and continued influence on the world, as well as their own personal journey with the programming language." More

Posted by John K. Waters on December 1, 20200 comments

CNCF Survey 'Takes the Pulse' of the Global Cloud Native Community

This week's KubeCon + Cloud Native online event, wrapping up today, dominated our headlines this week, and for good reason. The flagship conference of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) was chock-a-block with vendor announcements and Kubernetes community news.

Among the noteworthy news from the CNCF itself was the publication of the results of its 2020 survey. Based on the responses of 1,324 members of the global cloud native community, the survey "takes the pulse" of that community to provide some clarity on where and how cloud native technologies are begin adopted.


Posted by John K. Waters on November 19, 20200 comments

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