Application Development Trends' News

JNBridge Kit Addresses Azure Logic Apps Connector Shortcomings

The new R&D Showcase Kit addresses an ongoing enterprise challenge: interoperability issues between Azure Logic Apps and existing JMS-based messaging infrastructure.

GitHub Adds Security Alerts for Java and .NET

The popular code repository and social coding platform recently acquired by Microsoft launched the feature last year, initially covering JavaScript and Ruby. Python coverage was added earlier this year.

GitHub Report: JavaScript, Java and Python Repeat as Top Languages

No matter how you slice the data, JavaScript, Java and Python rule in the open source world, confirmed the big yearly Octoverse report just published for 2018 by GitHub.

IBM Modernizes Domino Business App Platform

In modernizing Domino, the business app platform with roots in the 29-year-old Lotus Notes ecosystem, IBM boosted cloud, mobile application development, JavaScript capabilities and more.

Security Report Calls for Enterprise App Lifecycle Revamp

Enterprise mobile and Web app development is riddled by security gaffes, according to a new report from WhiteHat Security, which is calling for a revamp of the development lifecycle.

Parasoft Updates Automated Testing with Enhanced AI and Machine Learning

Last week Parasoft launched a new version of its SOAtest automated testing tool featuring enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning functionality.

Report: Swift Now Top 10 Language, Java Still No. 1

The October edition of the TIOBE index measuring programming language popularity reports that Apple's Swift has made it into the top 10.

Google Ships Final Flutter Preview for Building iOS and Android Apps with Dart

Google has shipped the final preview of its open source Flutter project, which uses the company's Dart programming language to build native iOS and Android mobile apps.

Apple Enlists Salesforce in Enterprise Business App Push

Continuing its push into the mobile business app space, Apple has enlisted customer CRM specialist Salesforce in its latest effort.

Google Releases Android Studio 3.2

Google released the latest edition of its flagship IDE for mobile app development, Android Studio 3.2, featuring a new app publishing format, Android 9 Pie functionality and even a new What's New assistant to inform coders of the latest changes.

Azul and Microsoft Partner to Provide Java on Azure

Azul Systems and Microsoft announced a new strategic partnership that will allow Java developers on Azure and Azure Stack to build and run production Java applications using the commercially supported edition of Azul's flagship Java runtime, Zulu Enterprise.

Java 11 Is Here: Oracle Releases JDK 11

This release comes with several developer productivity enhancements, along with new support for modern cryptographic and Internet standards, including TLS 1.3 and HTTP/2.

Developer Economics Survey: Data Science, Machine Learning Are Most-Wanted Skills

While perhaps not offering new conclusions about the hottest technologies in the software development arena, a new Developer Economics survey from SlashData provides more hard evidence that data science and machine learning are the top skills developers want to learn.

Firm Adds Automated iOS Testing to Appium-Based Cloud Service

NTT Resonant added automated iOS testing to its Appium-based cloud testing service, supporting iOS 10 and later versions, along with adding support for another Appium version.

Study: Open Source Software Contributes to Mobile App Vulnerabilities

A new study examined hundreds of popular Android apps for security vulnerabilities, finding that the improper use of open source software puts organizations and users at risk.

New Mobile App Service Seeks to Improve Push Notifications

London-based Pusher has launched a new service out of beta that is said to improve on mobile app push notifications, providing more visibility and information to developers about those notifications.

Mobile Dev Platform Takes Augmented Reality to the Browser

Augmented reality, the technology behind the Pokémon GO craze of a couple years ago, has become one of hottest areas of mobile app development. Now, a two-year-old California startup has taken it to the mobile Web.

Appdome Updates Mobile Security Offerings

The company boosted the capabilities of its code obfuscation product and unveiled man-in-the-middle attack protection.

Dataiku Update Boosts Containerization, Deep Learning and More

Data science and advanced analytics specialist Dataiku announced version 5 of its flagship platform, with new capabilities to enable scalable enterprise AI.

Lightbend Launches Kubernetes Optimized Fast Data Platform

This version of the one-year-old platform has been optimized for Kubernetes cluster deployment.

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