
Sun adds to open-source Java IDE roster

NetBeans is a versatile and highly configurable editor that stacks up very well against Eclipse. The key difference is that the NetBeans editor ties in well with additional functionality, such as the project manager, the GUI designer and the debugger.

Product Briefs

A look at software tools and technologies on the market.

BI today: One version of the truth

Hard-driving managers like Pfizer’s Danny Siegel hit the streets to bring harmonized data to the decision-making process.

Special Report: Inside IBM’s software plans

With fast-moving acquisitions and newfound internal collaboration, IBM is aiming to stay on top of the software market.

Microsoft tools quarterback looks forward to winning season

Eric Rudder, Microsoft senior vice president of servers and tools, gave a pep talk to financial analysts earlier this summer about the firm’s plans.

I/T Value: Behind the numbers

More IT execs demand a measurable ROI from business intelligence projects, but experts are vague on the best metrics for the task.

Rundown on risk: Untangling security

Some pundits view IT security today as immature, insecure and out of control. Every organization should develop internal expertise in this area.

A look at BI vendor strategies today

A brief update on what some vendors in the BI space are up to today

Short Horn: Windows XP SP2

Microsoft has released Windows XP Service Pack 2 with much needed security patches. While XP SP2 is not a new release of Windows, according to Microsoft, CEO Steve Ballmer said it is so important that work on Longhorn, which will be the next release of Windows, was delayed because work on SP was considered so vital. What does all this mean to developers? ADT will help you sort it out.

Longhorn Trimmed

Is Longhorn going to be any more than Windows XP Service Pack 3 by the time it finally staggers out the door?

Review: Ad-Aware SE

Malware comes in more forms than viruses and worms. Having Ad-Aware handy can be an important part of tuning up Windows.

Review: Qwik-Fix Pro

Qwik-Fix tries to prevent malware from attacking your computer by hardening Windows. In some cases, this fixes vulnerabilities months before Microsoft releases patches.

Microsoft: Your Spam is Our Competitive Advantage

Microsoft continues to treat the GPL as anathema, even when to do otherwise would benefit their customers.

ADT covers LinuxWorld

Vendors were touting the Linux desktop as LinuxWorld moved beyond just being another OS. ADT was there to cover the action.

Review: Metasploit Framework

Think it's tough to exploit a buffer overflow in Windows? Download this tool and you might change your mind.

The Requirements Game

If Microsoft won't give us realistic guidance for sizing our computers, how else are we supposed to do it?

Review: FlexWiki

Wikis provide an easy way for a team to collaborate on Web pages. FlexWiki provides a good way for .NET shops to test this idea.

5 ways to better Web services

What is the status of Web services development several years into technology adoption? ADT profiles five organizations and the ways in which they utilized development tools that support Web services standards, as well as the standards themselves to build new apps, and integrate or extend existing ones.

Review: SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Beta 2

The first peek we have at the replacement for MSDE looks promising indeed.

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