
VMworld Shines Spotlight on Virtualization

Products and partnerships announced at event.

Usability and Design for Rich Web Experiences

Websites that provide a rich Web experience get more clicks and make more dollars, all else being equal. The trick is figuring out what users regard as rich.

W3C Publishes Web Services Policy 1.5

Group devises a more flexible method of handling policy changes for Web services and service-oriented architectures.

Microsoft To Buy Parlano

Microsoft announced on Thursday that it intends to buy Parlano, a Chicago-based company it has already worked closely with on enterprise communications software.

Search Changes Coming in Vista SP1

Although Microsoft didn't mention it in today's announcement about the upcoming release of Windows Vista SP1, the company confirmed today that one of the major changes will be to open up desktop search functionality to competition.

Stem the Flood of User Account Control Popups

If there's one feature in Windows Vista that's almost universally reviled, it's User Account Control, or UAC. But help may be on the way in the form of BeyondTrust Privilege Manager 3.5.

Microsoft and Open Source: Friends or Foes?

Both views have their advocates.

WSO2 Web Services Dev Tools Announced

WSO2 has released two new open source products for developers of Web services applications. The company is currently offering its Web Services Framework for C (WSF/C) 1.0 product, as well as its Web Services Framework for PHP (WSF/PHP) 1.0 product.

Levanta Offers VM Management App for Linux

Levanta is offering a virtual machine version of its Linux life-cycle management product that's similar to the company's flagship physical appliance. The product, called Intrepid VM Linux Management Appliance, is available as a free software download.

Spring Web Services 1.0 Released

Java programmers who like the open source Spring Framework can develop applications for Web services using the newly released Spring Web Services 1.0 stack.

Build AJAX Security With JSON

AJAX-era security requires tossing out a lot of what you thought you knew about security, starting with Same Origin Policy.

BPM Learns To Play With SOA

New tools and initiatives such as BPMN, BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask provide a start at marrying BPM's business acumen with SOA's IT-savvy.

Build Enterprise SOA With Rich Metadata

Model-driven business process platforms provide the best path to enterprise service-oriented architectures (SOA). It's all about the metadata.

Ozzie Reveals More About Live Platform Plans

Microsoft exec describes strategy for Live as part of a layered business approach and calls Software Plus Services "critical" over the next few years.

BizTalk Server 2006 R2, 'Shrink-Wrapped SOA' Coming in September

Meeting past promises, Microsoft on Wednesday announced that BizTalk Server 2006 R2 will ship in September.

Developers to Get Hooks Into SQL Server 'Katmai'

Katmai could improve Microsoft's standing in the database space (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, June 1, 2007).

Building a Virtual Bullpen with Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint puts an end to inefficient project management and helps Agile dev teams stay light on their feet (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 15, 2007).

In and Out of Orcas

Will Visual Studio catch up to the .NET stack? (Article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 15, 2007.)

ADO.NET Entity Framework

How 'Orcas' new object/relational mapping technology works (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 1, 2007).


From Visual FoxPro to VB6, developers are coping with the demise of key programming languages (article courtesy of Redmond Developer News, May 1, 2007).

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