
The buzz about operational biz intelligence

You can’t say Information Builders CEO Gerry Cohen doesn’t speak his mind. You might be tempted to call him a straight shooter. For example, even though IBI is sitting on one of the niftiest data integration technologies on the market—its iWay family of connectivity solutions— Cohen dismisses data integration as an over-hyped buzz term.

Content Integration Is Still Too Loose & Low Tech

On paper, enterprise content management vendors have all the pieces needed to deliver integrated content management, but the simplicity, functionality and elegance found in the different modules can be uneven, says one analyst.

What Are Performance Dashboards?

This article is an excerpt from the book Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business by Wayne W. Eckerson, director of research and services at TDWI, a worldwide association of data warehousing and business intelligence professionals.

Staying Power!

COBOL is here to stay. It’s become UNICODE—compliant, object oriented and XML friendly. It participates in MDA,calls Web services natively and wraps itself in Java. Some mainframe shops are even deploying COBOL apps on Linux.

Bits & Bytes

Insight, analysis and stuff for managers

Perens at the WSIS

Tinhats and Tunisian Bathrooms

'Spring Live' Book Review

A worthy introduction to the ins and outs of Spring Framework.

Creator for the Corporate Coder

Sun Looks for the VB Soft Spot

Borland's New Guy

Nielsen's Cool: "Developers Rule!"

Paper Beats Scissors, Rock Dodges Mountain

Picture the boardroom meeting at Big Heavy Software, Inc. HQ: "Our competitors are beating us by being nimbler and more fleet-footed. There’s only one thing for it, we must leverage our core competencies and pile on even more deadweight!"

Microsoft's Three-Way: Part I

Ballmer Rocks the Microsoft Launch

Scary Stories

Mitnick regales with hacker tales.

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