
For sale: Your source code

Well, maybe not yet. But what does the future hold for those who consider their source code an important proprietary asset?

Planning for success by planning for failure

Avoiding failure is obviously critical to any plan for success, and requires constant patrolling for signs of processes gone awry, support slipping away and other omens of impending doom.

Failing to fear is more important than fearing to fail

Among the most critical skills lacking in project management today are the ability to say “no,” and the willingness to be a naysayer.

A look forward, a look back

Because Longhorn remains a vague concept to most Microsoft customers, a clue to its eventual success might be found by looking at how the installed base fared with .NET, released barely two years ago.

Tame global meta data

Despite signs of progress, the data warehousing and business intelligence industry still has a way to go before it masters meta data.

Books in brief: Are you experienced?

Some software developers work their entire careers without acquiring the skills needed to produce quality production code. Are you one?

XML's growing pains

The elders always said that XML 1.0 was but one part of a foundational trio comprising XML Core (syntax), XML Stylesheets and XML Linking, but it didn't take long for things to spiral out of control ... It may be moving beyond 1.0, but -- for now -- don't rush toward the next generation of XML.

Illusory connectivity: Web sites to databases

There are a ‘bazillion’ different ways of going about it, says one expert.

Unilever tangos to Sinfonia in Latin America

Unilever Latin America believed there had to be a better way to track regional information and improve business performance.

Strike up the band

Application development, integration and deployment environments are converging to address an emerging opportunity: Web services orchestration requirements.

Oops! Ford and Oracle mega-software project crumbles

In late August, Ford Motor Co. abandoned its Herculean effort to reach the summit of its five-year Everest Web purchasing project. Neither Ford nor Oracle, its partner, is talking, but according to analysts, while cost may have sounded the death knell, the real killers were poor design, integration issues and IT sprawl.

Longhorn debuts, but few pay attention

Software developers have only vague ideas of what Longhorn will offer, and conflicting opinions on whether those features will be valuable.

We ought to plan to fail, right?

As Patricia Keefe writes in Oops! Ford and Oracles Mega-Software Project Crumbles, the bigger the project, the more likely it will fall apart before it’s done.

A review of Portfolio 7 and TierDeveloper 4.0 Enterprise Edition

A review of Portfolio 7 and TierDeveloper 4.0 Enterprise Edition

The basics of Longhorn

Longhorn will combine a new Windows platform with a new software development platform that expands on and, in some ways, changes the .NET Framework.

Product briefs

A look at software tools and technologies on the market.

Fortune smiles on eBay’s Meg Whitman

Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina used to win top honors in Fortune magazine’s 50 Most Powerful Women in Business list with the regularity with which a young Ali once KO’d opponents. But for the first time since the list debuted in 1998, there’s a new champion -- Meg Whitman, president and CEO of eBay is now “the most powerful woman in American business.”

A closer look at Kalido

The Kalido Dynamic Information Warehouse was built on the premise that the business model is constantly changing. Because of this approach, the warehouse can provide consistent management information in very complex, multinational enterprises.

Sun Java Studio Creator: The VB of Java?

Sun has designed Java Studio Creator to be the Visual Basic of Java and J2EE Web development. It’s not there yet, but JSC is a major improvement over NetBeans, Eclipse, and even IntelliJ and JBuilder for quickly creating JSP applications that use JavaServer Faces.

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